Mission & Vision

In a rural and backward area like Aul the dream, aspiration and hope were to establish a centre of learning to cater to the needs of poor, downtrodden and under-privileged people of the locality. In the beginning the vision was to spread basic facilities in higher education through dissemination of knowledge. The basic objective was to provide quality higher education to the girls who were being denied the basic education facilities for the years together side by side equip them with the available social responsibility, family commitment and economic viability.

(i)To inculcate the spirit of nationalism and patriotism.
(ii) To provide basic scientific facilities.
(iii) To bring the students from the dungeon of darkness into light.
(iv) To keep abreast the students with modern facilities of science and technology.
(v) To make them trained to face the challenges of life prevailing around them.
(vi) To make them aware of their duties and responsibilities.
(vii) To spread the ideas of fellow-feeling and brotherhood.
(viii) To facilitate quality education for the poor, downtrodden and needy, meritorious students of this area.
(ix) To bring higher education to the doorsteps of the people and to bridge the rural-urban gap with strong determination.
(x) To create facilities of employment for the educated rural youth.
(xi) To instil a deep sense of social responsibility by encouraging voluntary service.
(xii) To strengthen traditional cultural values.
(xiii) To enlighten the rural mass on modern political thoughts.
(xiv) To encourage guardians to overcome the nation of the dropout from the primary level.
(xv) To train the students for self-employment thereby helping them to develop their villages and society.
(xvi) To inject the spirit of patriotism among the students for national unity and integration.
(xvii) To create the environmental awareness among the students of this locality.
(xviii) Lastly to develop self confidence among the students to face the challenges of life.